

From passion project to startup success: How ONGAWA is merging gaming and music

From left to right: Jeremy Tai, Lucas Li, Brett Hickman

2024 Summer Accelerator Spotlight: ONGAWA

In the startup world, it’s widely accepted that passion is a key ingredient for success. Some mentors may ask young entrepreneurs to dig deep and find the passion that drives their work. 

For recent computer science master’s graduate from California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly) Lucas Li, this question doesn’t require much introspection. His startup, ONGAWA, is a direct manifestation of his greatest passions. 

ONGAWA is breaking new ground in the gaming world by creating a fusion game that combines rhythm gaming with role-playing elements. Not only does ONGAWA offer a unique gaming experience, it also supports indie musicians by showcasing and monetizing their work. 

“I am a gamer, a musician and an anime enthusiast, so I wanted to create something that I would really enjoy working on,” Li explained. 

His journey began when he teamed up with Brett Hickman, a recent Cal Poly computer science graduate, and the CTO of ONGAWA. Having already collaborated on several gaming projects in the past, their shared passions led to the development of their startup. 

“We both love gaming and we both love music, so we decided to merge the two and create ONGAWA,” Hickman shared. 

In the fall of 2023, Li pitched this startup at the Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship’s (CIE) Elevator Pitch Competition where students of any major can pitch their innovative product, service and startup ideas in 90 seconds for the chance to win cash prizes. 

“As a computer science major, I was accustomed to describing the full technical side of things, often overlooking the business perspective such as the demand for a product,” Li said. “Since the Elevator Pitch was my first exposure to business, I learned to convey my idea in simple terms and quickly capture people’s interest.” 

Li explained that the Elevator Pitch Competition validated his startup idea and encouraged him to apply for the CIE’s Summer Accelerator program, an intensive 12-week program that provides Cal Poly students and recent graduates with the resources necessary to turn their innovative ideas into full-fledged startups. 

Participants in the Accelerator receive $10,000 in seed funding, as well as access to expert mentorship, entrepreneurial workshops and a dedicated workspace in the HotHouse, the CIE’s office located in downtown San Luis Obispo.

Li recognized the team’s strength in coding and programming skills, but the need for work on the business development side of ONGAWA. He hopes to further learn and develop this aspect of his startup from the Accelerator’s resources and mentorship, he said. 

From left to right: Jeremy Tai, Lucas Li, Brett Hickman

As co-founder and CEO, Li is responsible for hiring, project management and maintaining the overall vision of the game. He also helps manage communication between various internal teams such as game development and web development. 

As co-founder and CTO, Hickman leads a team of four in game development by hosting workshops throughout the week to help build the foundation of the game. 

Joining Li and Hickman are senior business administration students at Cal Poly, Jeremy Tai and Pedro Talavera. 

Tai acts as the company’s Business Lead and focuses on customer development. 

Talavera is ONGAWA’s Marketing Lead, focusing on the social media marketing aspect of the startup and connecting with potential music and art collaborators.

In the next three months, the team hopes to have a fully built Minimum Viable Product (MVP) of the game as well as a fully functional website. They are also planning to work with gamers to gather feedback on the demo and interview musicians and graphic artists to enhance the game’s visuals. 

Looking ahead, ONGAWA’s vision includes releasing a prototype of the game by the end of the Accelerator program. In the next five years, they want to create a polished and immersive role-playing experience.

What sets ONGAWA apart is best described by CEO Li. “ONGAWA is a merge between a traditional rhythm game and RPG elements, which is a big market. We also support indie musicians by collaborating with them and paying per stream,” Li stated. 

By integrating indie music, ONGAWA not only provides a platform for emerging artists but also enriches the gaming experience with original soundtracks and design.

ONGAWA is making a significant impact in the gaming industry, offering a fresh and engaging way to experience music, art and gameplay. 

ONGAWA, along with the rest of the 2024 Summer Accelerator cohort, will pitch their startup and showcase the progress they made throughout the summer at Demo Day, on Sept. 6 at 4 p.m. at Rod & Hammer Rock. In-person and virtual tickets are available here.