You Know You Need to Cowork When…

By: Lauren Arendt
- You clean everything in your house before starting your work
Who knew you were such a diligent cleaner? Or is it more likely, you are a diligent procrastinator. Everyone has less motivated days, but when your home is your work and your work is your home, it is easier to blur the lines and get distracted.
- You actually aren’t that great at multitasking
You think you can watch TV, complete your work and eat a sandwich at the same time, but that probably doesn’t help your productivity much.
- You can’t stop snacking
Are you eating because you’re hungry, or because you’re bored? You may be having more frequent snack-attacks because you can, not because you should.
- You have the attention span of a five-year-old
There are five tabs open on your computer and Instagram is up on your phone. You’re probably working for 20 percent of the time and online shopping, scrolling through social media and checking your email for the other 80 percent.
- Work is getting in the way of the enjoyment of working from home
Working from home probably sounded so great, but when you were envisioning this greatness, were you considering the actual work? More likely, the vision included sleeping in, wearing pajamas all day and being your own boss to some extent. The actual sitting down, getting your computer out and doing work may not have fit into the work from home fantasy, but it is very much the reality.
- Your coworkers have four legs and a tail
Sometimes you just need someone to talk to about work stuff. Not only are second opinions valuable, but also work drama happens, and your four-legged-friends may not be able to level with you the way you need them to.
- You wore the same shirt three days in a row
Working from home means you don’t have to shower, right? Wrong. Personal hygiene is important for productivity and professionalism, even if you the only “coworker” you have is your four-legged friend.
- You take your work home with you… because your home is your workplace
Sometimes, boundaries can be important. The work-life balance is crucial to mental health but when your work and life happen in the same environment, the lines can blur.
If any (or all) of these points sound like you, it may be time to consider transitioning from the work from home lifestyle to something more concrete. The CIE HotHouse is an option that offers a diverse, energetic community that exists to support your professional goals. You might need to change out of your pajamas, but you’ll be feeling right at home with the space’s top-notch amenities, free coffee and relaxing spaces. Learn how you can sign up today here: